The Indigenous Tolentino Family of Nochistlán, Zacatecas: Seven Generations
Tracing an indigenous family backwards in time can be challenging. Many Indigenous People in 17th and 18th Century Jalisco, Zacatecas and Aguascalientes did not even have surnames. Or they had surnames that changed from generation to generation, possibly depending on their employer or owner of the land they lived on. In many areas, Indigenous People – for very understandable reasons – did not have the same loyalty to their surnames as Spaniards did. Hence, one surname might be discarded for another surname… or no surname at all.
However, there are some Indigenous families in Zacatecas, Jalisco and Aguascalientes that adopted surnames in the 17th Century and continued to pass them down from one generation to the next. Many Indigenous people adopted (or were given) surnames because a Catholic priest needed a parishioner with a saint’s name to perform a baptism or marriage ceremony. As such, many indigenous people took on Christian surnames like de la Cruz, de los Reyes, and Santiago. And it seems likely that some Indigenous people took on the names of the saints.
It appears that one Indigenous family in Nochistlán and another unrelated Indigenous family in nearby Aguascalientes took on the surname Tolentino. Nicholas of Tolentino, known as the Patron of Holy Souls, was an Italian saint and mystic in the 13th Century. He was also the patron saint of some Catholic parishes in Mexico.
In 1671, Nicolas de Santiago was married to Catalina. By the time they had their first child, Nicolas had become Nicolas de Tolentino and Catalina had become Catalina Polonia. For the next century-and-a-half, the family would proudly use the surname Tolentino in their hometown of Nochistlán.
Seven Generations of Tolentino’s
The seven generations of Tolentino men from Nochistlán are shown below:
Nicolas de Tolentino and Catalina Polonia (or Catalina Veronica)
This Indigenous couple known in the Nochistlán, Zacatecas records as Nicolás de Tolentino and Catalina Polonia (or Catalina Veronica), had at least seven children between 1672 and 1684, all of them baptized in Nochistlán:
Diego Tolentino, Baptized 1672
Lucia Tolentino, Baptized 1674
Luisa Tolentino, Baptized 1676
Pedro Tolentino, Baptized 1679
Lucia Tolentino, Baptized 1681
Ysabel Tolentino, Baptized 1683
Nicolas Tolentino, Baptized 1684
The Baptism of the First-Born Child, Diego (1672)
The first known child of Nicolas de Tolentino and Catalina was Diego. The document is shown below with a partial translation:
In the Margin: Nochistlán Indians. Diego
Text: In the Pueblo of Nochistlán on the 26th day of July of 1672, I baptized solemnly and poured holy oil and chrism on DIEGO, the son of Nicolas de Tolentino and Catalina Polonia, Indians…
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The Marriage of Nicolas and Catalina (1671)
It appears that Nicolas and Catalina were married on February 2, 1671, the year before their first son was born, and it seems likely that Nicolas took on the Tolentino surname when he and his wife began having children in 1672. From this time forward, the surname Tolentino was used almost continuously by Nicolas Tolentino and his offspring. The partial translation of this marriage record follows:
In the Margin: Nochistlán. Nicolas de Santiago and Catalina Luisa, Veiled.
Text: On the 2nd of February of 1671, I married in this parish in the face of the church NICOLAS DE SANTIAGO with CATALINA LUISA, having preceded with banns of matrimony…
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The Baptism of Nicolas, Jr. (1684)
On August 24, 1684, the last known child born to Nicolas de Tolentino and Catalina, was baptized as Nicolas. The name of his mother was not correct which was probably a mistake of perception on the part of the priest.
In the Margin: Nochistlán: Nicolas, Indian
Text: In the Pueblo of Nochistlán, on the 24th of August of 1684, in the Parish Church, I baptized solemnly and poured oil on NICOLAS, the legitimate son of Nicolas de Tolentino and Cat [Catarina] Veronica…
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The Marriage of Nicolas de Tolentino and Juana de los Reyes (1701)
On October 30, 1701, 17-year-old Nicolas de Tolentino was married to Juana de los Reyes. The partial translation reads as follows:
Text: In Nochistlán, on the 30th of October of 1701, I married in the face of the church and veiled NICOLAS DE TOLENTINO, legitimate son of Nicolas de Tolentino (deceased) and Catharina Polonia, with JUANA DE LOS REYES, legitimate daughter of Juan de los Reyes and Maria Catharina (deceased), residents of this pueblo…
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The Baptism of Simon de Tolentino (1702)
The baptism of Simon de Tolentino, performed on May 23, 1703, is very difficult to read, but it appears to say that he was baptized as the legitimate son of Nicolas de Tolentino and Juana de los Reyes, Indians of the pueblo of Nochistlán.
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The Marriage of Simon Tolentino and Luisa Rodriguez (1722)
On May 6, 1722, Simon Tolentino, the son of Nicolas de Tolentino, was married to Luisa Rodriges. The names of their parents were not given in the marriage record, but Simon had been baptized in the same church 20 years earlier. A partial translation reads as follows:
Text: In the said day and month of the year, I married and veiled in the face of the church … Simon Tolentino with Luisa Rodrigues. The padrinos were Lazaro Buaruel and Nicolas Tolentino, all Indians of this Parish….
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The Baptism of Jose [Yrineo] Tolentino (1722)
The baptism of Joseph Tolentino (later known as Jose Yrineo) took place on July 10, 1722 in Nochistlán, a month after the marriage of his parents. In the margin, Joseph was referred to as a mestizo of Nochistlán. In the body of the document, it was stated that Joseph was the son of Simon de Tolentino and Ana Luisa Juana.
The Marriage of Jose Yrineo Tolentino (1743)
The marriage of Jose Yrineo Tolentino took place nineteen years after his baptism and in the same church. The translation follows:
In the Margin: Nochistlán. Joseph Yrineo and Maria Manriquez.
Text: In the parish church of Nochistlán, on the 9th of September of 1743, as deputy priest, I married and veiled in the face of the church JOSE YRENIO, native of the pueblo, legitimate son of Simon Tolentino and Anna Luisa, [both] deceased, with MARIA MANRIQUEZ, of Color Barrio, originally from and a resident of this parish, legitimate daughter of Diego Manriquez and Juana de Moscoso y Sandobal, deceased….
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The Baptism of Jose Francisco Tolentino (1752)
Jose Francisco Tolentino was born in 1752, nine years after the marriage of his parents. The partial translation follows:
Text: On the 20th of March of 1752 in this parish church of Nochistlán, I, the deputy priest… poured holy oil and chrism on JUAN FRANCISCO DE DIOS, Indian of this pueblo… legitimate son of Joseph Tolentino and Maria Manriquez….
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The Marriage of Francisco Tolentino (1782)
At the age of thirty, following the death of his first wife, Jose Francisco Tolentino was married to an Indigenous woman named Maria Josefa (who was later known as Maria Josefa Ramirez). During this period, some Indigenous People were changing their surnames or adopting a new surname for the first time. While the Indigenous Tolentino family held onto their surname for a century-and-a-half, many more Indigenous People were not very loyal to their surnames.
In the Margin: Jose Francisco with Maria Josefa, Indians.
Text: In this Pueblo of Nochistlán, on the 30th of September of 1782, having preceded the marriage information was preceded with the three warnings [banns]… and no impediments to marriage resulting… I, Jose Negrete, deputy priest, married JOSE FRANCISCO TOLENTINO, Indian of this Pueblo, widower of Maria Francesca who was buried two years ago, legitimate son of Jose Tolentino and Maria Manrique, with MARIA JOSEFA, Indian of this pueblo, widow of Lucas de los Relles, who was buried two years ago, legitimate daughter of Salvador Ramos and Maria Antonia los Casco….
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The Death of Maria Josefa Ramos (1806)
Maria Josefa Ramos, the wife of Jose Francisco Tolentino, died in January 1806 and was buried in the church. Her husband, Jose Francisco Tolentino, was still living at the time. The translation follows:
In the Margin: Maria Josefa Ramos, Indian 46 years of age, married.
Text: in this parish church of Nochistlán, on the 23rd day of the month of January of 1806, I, Father Jose Antonio Castaneda Zeballos, interim priest, performed the ecclesiastical burial… of MARIA JOSEFA RAMOS, Indian of this pueblo, adult of 46 years of age, married with Jose Francisco Tolentino and the legitimate daughter of Salbador Ramos and Maria Antonia Borroel…
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The Third Marriage of Francisco Tolentino (1807)
Text: In the Parish Church of Nochistlán, on the 29th of August of 1807, I, Father Francisco Velez, as priest… married in the face of the church FRANCISCO TOLENTINO, Indian, originally from and a resident of this Pueblo, legitimate son of Jose Tolentino and of Maria Manriquez, [both] deceased, widower in his second marriage with Maria Josefa Ramos who was buried a year and ten months ago…with BARBARA DELGADILLO, Spanish, originally from and a resident of the said pueblo, legitimate daughter of Santiago Delgadillo (already deceased) and Nicolasa de Aguirre, a widow.
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The Death of Francisco Tolentino (1820)
On July 4, 1820, 68-year-old Francisco Tolentino, the spouse of Barbara Delgadillo, was buried in the Nochistlán Catholic Church. The partial translation follows:
In the Margin: Nochistlán. Francisco Tolentino.
Text: On the Fourth of July of 1820, I, Father Pablo Garcia, as ecclesiastical deputy priest, performed the burial… of the body of Francisco Tolentino, Indian of this pueblo, adult 68 years of age, married with Barbara Delgadillo…
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The Baptism of Jose Francisco Tolentino (1801)
In the Margin: Nochistlán. José Francisco de la Cruz, Indian, legitimate son
Text: In this parish church of Nochistlán, on the 16th day of the month of September of 1801, I, Father Serefino de Quesada, as deputy priest and with license from the senior priest and vicar, baptized solemnly and poured holy oil of JOSE FRANCISCO DE LA CRUZ, Indian of this pueblo, who was born on the 14th of the said month at 3 in the afternoon, more or less, legitimate son of Jose Francisco Tolentino and Josefa Ramos. Legitimate Paternal Grandfather: Jose Yrineo Tolentino and Maria Eurosia Rodriguez; abuelos maternos: Salvador Ramos and Maria Antona Bornuel…
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The Marriage of Jose Francisco Tolentino (1817)
In the Margin: Jose Francisco Tolentino, single Indian, with Maria Merced Gutierres, Indian maiden.
Text: In the Parish Church of Nochistlán, on the Fifth of February of 1817, I, Father Casiano Casillas, as deputy priest with expressed license, married and veiled in the face of the church FRANCISCO TOLENTINO, Indian of this pueblo, single, of the age 16 years, legitimate son of Francisco Tolentino and Josefa Ramos (deceased), with MARIA MERCED GUTIERRES, Indian of the same pueblo, maiden, of the age 15 years, legitimate daughter of Miguel Gutierrez (deceased) and Maria del Carmel Presiado…
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The Children of Francisco Tolentino and Merced Gutierrez
Between 1820 and 1835, Francisco Tolentino and Merced Gutierres had at least eight children, including:
Maria del Refugio, born in 1823.
Jose Catarino Tolentino, baptized on 26 November 1825.
Juan José Tolentino, born in 1824, died in 1826.
Maria Martina Tolentino, baptized on 14 November 1827.
Francisco Tolentino, born in 1832.
Jose Antonio Tolentino, baptized on Oct. 27, 1834.
Pedro Tolentino, born in 1835.
However, Mexican independence came in 1821 and, after that the racial classifications were outlawed and nearly all Catholic churches no longer utilized them. However, one of their first children, Jose Julian Tolentino, born and died in 1820, was classified as an Indian. His burial – which took place days after his birth– took place on February 4, 1820.
The Burial of Jose Julian Tolentino (1820)
In the Margin: Nochistlán, José Julian, Indian infant
Text: In the Parish Church of Nochistlán, on the 4th of February of 1820, I, Father Pablo Garcia, deputy priest, did the ecclesiastical burial of the body of JOSE JULIAN, an Indian child, five days after birth, legitimate son of Jose Francisco Tolentino and Maria de la Merced Gutierres, Indians, who died…
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